Nigerian Egg roll - We Eat African (WEA)

Nigerian Egg roll


So i woke up this morning to find out we had run out of bread (The usual Saturday breakfast). The bakery close to where i stay don't open shop early and where the bread vendors sell their wares is a long walk from home. To get breakfast ready and on time, i had to make egg rolls since most of the basic ingredients were readily available in the kitchen. Fast forward few hours later, i was done with breakfast and the whole family enjoyed it as well. 
Nigerian egg roll is a popular snack similar to scotch eggs but unlike scotch egg which is made with minced meat and egg , Egg roll is made from flour dough and egg. The dough is made almost the same way doughnut dough is made (Non-sticky). Once done, it should look slightly like Nigerian Buns on the outside with egg in the middle.

How to make Nigerian Egg roll
• Prep Time: 
30 minutes
• Cook Time:30 minutes
• Total Time: 60 minutes
• Makes:        10 egg rolls

Things you'd need::: 

• Flat working surface/ chopping Board
• Rolling pin
• Frying Pan
• Mixing Bowl
• Empty Saturated Milk Cup for measuring

• 10 Whole eggs
• ½ Cup Sugar
• 4 tbsp. MargarineButter
• ½ tsp. Baking powder 
• 1 tsp. Mixed Spices - Optional 
• Pinch of salt 
• 1 cup warm water 
• Vegetable/Soya oil (for deep frying) 

Step 1: In a medium sized pot, boil the eggs for about 10mins till hard boiled. Once cooked and while hot, place the hard boiled eggs in cold water. This is to ensure the shell comes off easily. 

Step 2: Sift the flour, sugar, baking powder, mixed spices (if you are using) and salt into an empty bowl. Mix thoroughly then add the margarine/butter. Work into it with the tip of your hand till it looks crumbly like breadcrumbs.

Step 3: Make a well in the center and gently add water little by little. Work into it some more till you get a Smooth non-sticky elastic dough. Divide it into 10 and roll the divided dough into balls

Step 4: Dust your flat working surface with flour and roll out each dough. Wrap each dough around each egg and roll into balls

Step 5: Pre-Heat your vegetable oil in a deep fryer or pot and fry the egg rolls till golden brown. To ensure it cooks well on the inside, reduce the temperature of the burner once you drop the egg rolls into the oil.

Step 6: Remove from the oil and drain on a paper towel. Serve!

Recipe by www.dobbyssignature.com

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  1. "Mixed spices"...like cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg & clove? I will be making these for a children's cooking class and would like to be true to the African "spice" world. Thank you so much!!
    PS They are going to LOVE these!


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