Whats for Dinner: Baked Sweet Potatoes and Plantains- Episode 1
Okay so I spend a lot of my free time in the kitchen even on weekdays. 99% i make stuff up I don't use any recipes, instead I cook based on whats available in my pantry. So I thought it would be pretty cool to document some of the stuff i put together, even the crazy combinations, lol.
Well that's how whats for dinner was born.
Okay so in this edition I looked in my pantry and found plantains and sweet potatoes. Hmm which should I cook for dinner, couldn't decide so I decided use both. I mean why not! I started out by cutting the sweet potatoes into cubes and then sprinkled black pepper and salt. Then baked it at 350 degrees.
When the potatoes were halfway there, I added the plantains and stirred.
For protein i found some "lazy fish". Lazy fish is the frozen fish you buy at the grocers that you would be better off not buying. Why? Because it was probably transported from some 2000 miles away and who knows how long its been frozen. But its so convenient because I don't have to fillet, skin or debone the fish,
This is what the final plate looked like. No special plating, just put it all in and dug in. The combination of plantain and sweet potatoes pretty delicious. Yum!