Whats for dinner 4: Quick shrimp Tacos


End Product
  I came home a couple of nights ago and extremely famished. And of course nothing looked exciting appetizing. Through the corner of my eye I scoped some frozen shrimp. Hmm veggies, shrimp, tacos..Viola! So I began.

add shrimp(s)
 I add a  little olive oil in my pan and I wait till its hot. Then I add my garlic, onion, and pepper mix. I keep mixing till my mixture caramelizes.

I add my veggies, which were originally frozen. I thawed and defrosted it in the microwave before adding to the pan.

The Wheat tacos seem pretty excited at this point

Then I cut up some fresh tomatoes and add on the Tacos
 I create my base with spinach and cheese

ready to be eaten

up close & personal...


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